Who Likes Free Stuff?

Waiting For The Big Time

There are a handful of authors out there who make the big bucks. Everybody loves their books. I'd go hungry if necessary to buy the hardback of Diana Gabaldon's latest, to give one example. 

But there are thousands of fantastic books written every year that go unread. What do authors do to try to get noticed?

We give our work away. It's what creative people do, I'm afraid, because the same thing is true of singers, artists and photographers. While nobody ever asks insurance salespeople or doctors or lawn care company owners or roofers to give away their work, it's just accepted that creative people will give it up for free. And you know what? We absolutely will, because we all hope that eventually, if enough people read our book/listen to our songs/look at our paintings, we will eventually have enough fans that we can make a living with our art. 

That might not be true of most of us, but dreams die hard. So here's the deal: I need people to read my books and, if so moved, leave a review on Amazon. That's what helps me pay my bills (and afford to buy books). How to get a free Advance Reader Copy? You can email me at sophiasinclairromance@gmail.com, or you can work through these two fine websites:



Either way, I thank you! And if you're so inclined, you can also sign up for my mailing list: http://eepurl.com/hcE4nb


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